Thursday, March 22, 2007

The Awe Inspiring

A friend of mine has a daughter named Elena. One day I was driving Elena, “Leni” to school when she was ten years old and she said, “No one understands how great it is that they wake up.” I really didn't understand what she meant, since there was no context for the statement and she was ten years old, so I asked her what she was talking about. She replied, “Everyone just thinks that they are going to wake up every day, they never think that some people don't”. When I finally understood what she meant I was blown away at how profound and spiritual a statement that was. How amazing that we forget what a miracle just being here to see another day is. How ever much I may moan and groan about the trials and tribulations of my life, I still find it awe inspiring when I stop to think about the simple fact that we, and all this life around us actually exists at all.

There are many things that science can explain, and many more that they will be able to explain in the future. But the things that they will never explain are things like, joy, beauty, kindness, compassion, pain, suffering sadness, emptiness, longing – those emotions that fill the human experience. Science may be able to tell us what chemicals are stimulated in order to cause an emotion, they can tell us what neurons are firing when, but they cannot tell us why we feel at peace when we stare up at a beautiful blue sky. Before there is any chemical interaction, there is some reason. Science can tell us the process that follows the lighting of the spark of life, but it will never be able to tell us what lights it.

I am an Astrologer, I have been studying and practicing Astrology for over twenty years. The reason that I can say that I am an Astrologer and not that I was an Astrologer is because it works. As an Astrologer, I don't look up at the sky, I look at a chart that I print out from my computer which has the symbols which represent the planets, the Sun and the Moon on it. I don't even think about the sky. One day a friend of mine, who is an Astrologer but also grew up fascinated by Astronomy, pointed up to the night sky and said, “Look, there’s Jupiter”. It took me aback because I just never thought about the real planet.

Now, I can tell someone that they are, have, or will be entering a time of enormous transformation, a time, where loss may be the dominant experience in the life of that person. I have never said it and had anyone say, “Oh, no you are mistaken”, no, they generally say, “Wow, I can't believe you know that just from that piece of paper”. I am guided to make this statement because of where the planet (or whatever it is classified as now) Pluto is sitting in the person’s chart. Yet, it makes no logical sense to me whatsoever, that a body of ice so many millions of miles away from the earth, a very tiny body of ice at that, actually determines the experiences that a person is going to have during a clearly determined period of time. In fact, in Astrology, nothing has a greater impact on our lives than that tiny little body of ice. To me, this is awe-inspiring. I am a logical person; I once felt that in order for me to believe a thing it had to make sense. Today, I need a thing to either make sense or to work. I am amazed at how a signal can be sent into outer space from one point and then beamed down to my television set; it does not make sense to me, but it works.

There are some quantum physicists who believe that the universe is like a giant hologram, where the entirety of the whole image is contained in each part. Perhaps this explains how people can accurately read Astrological charts, tarot cards, tea leaves, palms, bones, stones, and probably anything. There are so many things that happen in the world around us, and so many more that could happen if we just opened our consciousness to the possible and to the possibly never explainable. No one will ever explain how a bumble bee flies, it is physically impossible, just as it is impossible for an ant to carry so many times its body weight, but the bee flies and the ant carries. It is impossible for a physical planet, composed of gas, rock, or ice, to be connected with the timing of a new love in my life, or the loss of a job, but somehow it is, and it has been since man was given the gift of sight.

The world can be divided into two categories God made and man made. What is man made can be explained, understood, duplicated and even improved upon consistently. What is God made cannot be explained, understood, or duplicated, and it can never ever be improved upon, the best that we can do is observe, utilize and stand in humble awe.

Astrology, to me, is like an owners manual for our lives. One, I believe of many. If someone said that God wrote a book, wouldn't something so little and disposable as words on paper seem a tad limiting for such a great Energy? Wouldn't the stars be an apt place for a power so great to write a message to all of mankind for eternity? I know people who believe in Astrology but do not believe in God. Personally, I could not imagine what other force could accurately draw the map of our collective and individual destinies using the planets and stars for ink, and the skies for paper.

1 comment:

Gabriel said...

the buddha was asked if he wasa god.
he smiled and said no.
are you a saint he was asked?
no, he replied.
what are you then?
i am awake, he said witha smile.

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